I'm trying to "ping pong" info back and forth between some python code and arduino code. I want to send two setpoints to the arduino code periodically (for instance on the minute), read them on arduino & update variables then send status info from arduino back to python periodically (such as on the :30 second). Eventually python will be sending and pulling info from a mySQL db (later dev).
Right now I can't get the info to bounce back and forth reliably. I haven't found anything close to this in the searches and everything I've tried to modify isn't working. Closest I have is this (and it doesn't actually switch back and forth between send and receive):
import serial
import syslog
import time
#The following line is for serial over GPIO
port = '/dev/ttyS0'
ard = serial.Serial(port,9600,timeout=5)
i = 0
while (i < 4):
# Serial write section
setTempCar1 = 63
setTempCar2 = 37
setTemp1 = str(setTempCar1)
setTemp2 = str(setTempCar2)
print ("Python value sent: ")
print (setTemp1)
# Serial read section
msg = ard.readline()
print ("Message from arduino: ")
print (msg)
i = i + 1
print "Exiting"
// Serial test script
int setPoint = 55;
String readString;
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); // initialize serial communications at 9600 bps
void loop()
while(!Serial.available()) {}
// serial read section
while (Serial.available())
if (Serial.available() >0)
char c = Serial.read(); //gets one byte from serial buffer
readString += c; //makes the string readString
if (readString.length() >0)
Serial.print("Arduino received: ");
Serial.println(readString); //see what was received
// serial write section
char ard_sends = '1';
Serial.print("Arduino sends: ");
All I end up getting is the same values repeated (not what was actually sent, not sure if its a string or byte issue) and nothing back to the python script. Any help or ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks.
EDIT: Modified code to what I'm currently running as suggested below. Arduino is receiving fine and serial communication verified by minicom. But python script still prints a blank line after "Message from arduino: ".