I am trying to figure out the rotation angle and generation point of a laser beam that shoots up from a Cannon on Mouse Click. I am using ActionScript 3 and Flash for the same.
I rotate the beam based on my mouse cursor position which I feel works just fine. The The issue is the generation point of my laser beam and it goes out of order. I want it to snap to the cannon ie its rotation point has to be the cannon. How do I do this in Flash?
Please have a look at the image file to get so that I am more clear.
Here is the code snippet that does the rotation and position logic in actionscript
laserBeamRight = new RightLaserBeam();
laserBeamRight.x = 812.65;
laserBeamRight.y = 400.1;
var angle2:Number = Math.atan2(stage.mouseY - laserBeamRight.y, stage.mouseX - laserBeamRight.x);
laserBeamRight.rotation = 180 * angle2/Math.PI;
I have hardcoded values for the position. They represent the right cannons position in the stage.
Here is the image file that shows the problem.
So I want the beam is targeting the mouse crosshair which is fine but I want it to be fixed and rotated around the cannon.
Another image with two beams at different angles. X position is right but Y position looks out of place because of the angle
One last image which clearly shows my problem.
The X position is right so is the Y position but it is originating from the center point of the beam and not the end point or the tail of the beam. I want the tail of the beam to be snapped to the cannons position. I tried changing the pivot point of the beam movie clip inside flash to the tail but that did not help.
Any idea?