I want to show a Category with its Products on homepage. Magento has built in option to show New Products on homepage and I have no idea about how to show different categories on homepage. For example I have created a category and I want to show the products in this category on homepage as below:
Featured Products
Product1 Product2 Product3
I have tried below code (from previous posts)
{{block type="catalog/product_new" name="home.catalog.product.list" alias="products_homepage" template="catalog/product/list.phtml"}}
But this gives me below error
Fatal error: Call to a member function getSortedChildren() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\magento1901\app\design\frontend\rwd\default\template\catalog\product\list.phtml on line 134
Apparently code I mentioned above is for previous versions or Magento. However version gives error.
Please guide how to show categories on homepage. Thanks