
neo4j - localhost:7474 browser - which nodes are coloured? (py2neo)

I am creating a complex neo4j database with py2neo. So far I have 6 node indices and labels, and 5 relationship indices and labels.

When I look through the localhost:7474/browser , some of my node type get coloured, some stay gray.

What is the trigger that colours the nodes in the localhost:7474/browser - or are there only 4 colours in the preset?

Thanks a lot!


1 Answers


There are 6 colors in total right now.

Nodes with a label get styled (colored), the other stay gray.

You can also choose the styling and color if you click on a node. In the popup menu on the "eye" tab you can also select the property to show as node-title, circle color & size.

If you open the </> View Stylesheet link at the bottom the browser brings up a stylesheet viewer with the GRASS (Graph-Style-Sheet) for your current visualization. Please try to reset it with the top-right fire extinguisher icon.

Btw. you can also style relationships, if you click on one the popup opens as well, and you can choose color and width per relationship-type.

I recorded a video too: https://vimeo.com/97204829



neo4j browser visualization