I have been given the task of reducing try-catch blocks in my Java code for increasing performance. But each try block is checking for a entirely different kind of exception and that too custom exceptions. How to reduce the try-catch blocks.
The sample of a part of my code is as follows:-
// Get a test engine and use that to initialize and save the test
// taker
TestEngine testEngine = null;
try {
testEngine = objFactory.getTestEngine(login.getTestengine());
} catch (NoTestEngineException e) {
// Add an error message, then throw the exception to struts to
// handle
request.setAttribute("errmsg", "Cannot create test engine: " + login.getTestengine());
request.setAttribute("errcause", "exception.notestengine.cause");
throw e;
//added for null check of variable testEngine
request.setAttribute("errmsg", "Could not obtain a testengine");
// Do we need to save the session id?
String saveSessionId = objFactory.getConfigValue("testengine." + login.getTestengine() + ".recordjessionid", "false");
String sessionId = null;
if (saveSessionId.trim().equals("true")) {
sessionId = request.getSession().getId();
Testtaker testTaker = null;
try {
testTaker = testEngine.buildTestTaker(login, null, sessionId, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
CaslsUtils.outputLoggingData(log_, request);
// Add an error message, then throw the exception to struts to
// handle
request.setAttribute("errmsg", "Cannot build a test taker.");
request.setAttribute("errcause", "exception.testtakerbuildfailed.cause");
//throw new NoTestTakerException("Failed to build testtaker.");
throw e;