I have Orchard 1.7 setup with blog recipe.
The home screen display a list of blog posts.
I want to override the way the content is displayed in summary view. I could do this for each parts. But my styling is such that I need to wrap title, body, and meta tags with a special div when ever the display type is summary.
The problem is:
After shape tracing I understood that the template used in the home page (summary) is same as the detailed one.
For detail view I want to use the default core-> Views/Content.cshtml but for summary I need to supply my own. How can I do this?
How to write a driver/widget to the home page. I know how I can do this for parts/fields/modules but I don't have an idea on how to create a driver for Blog home page.
Whenever I add a widget to the homepage the default blog post list still get displayed.