I am trying to make a component in visualForce who apply some treatement on any List that I pass by parameter :
<apex:component controller="TheController">
<!-- Attribute -->
<apex:attribute name="list_Of_Objects"
description="Received varaible of data type string"
assignTo="{!listAllObjects}" type="MyObjects[]"
required="true" />
{Code of the component}
This is how I call my Component :
<apex:page Controller="ComponentController">
<c:TheComponent list_Of_Objects="{!objects}" />
My component should display the information on the list, but the parameter passed to my parameter are initialized after that the constructor of ComponentController was called, so I cant call any other method to do the treatement on the arrays (passed in parameter)
One solution consist to make a button on the visualForce page that call the specific method when its clicked, but its not what I want.
I wish to know if there is any way to 'auto-call' a method in ComponentController class, without using JavaScript (just VisualForce or apex)