When you create an instance A in Google Compute Engine, it'll get predefined, "default" service account attached to it (this basically means, that you can query google API from A, being authenticated with 'default' service account). What I'd like to do, is to setup GCE instance with service account, that's different than a default one. This should be conceptually possible, given GCE API, but fails with exception:
"name": "operation-1400060483459-4f958fbc7d7b9-cd817778-b80d1cad",
"operationType": "insert",
"status": "DONE",
"user": "[email protected]",
"error": {
"errors": [ {
"message": "The user does not have access to service account '[email protected]'"
} ] } }
Here's my code in python, which setups the instance:
discovery_service = discovery.build('compute',
service_account_name="[email protected]",
instance = {}
# sets instance configuration details here
# ...
# ...
instance['serviceAccounts'] = [{
'email': "[email protected]",
'scopes': ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control',
'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email', ]
discovery_service.instances().insert(project=project, zone=zone, body=instance)
The weirdest part of it, is that exception says "The user does not have access to service account '[email protected]'", but the "user" it refers to is the '[email protected]' itself! Which means '[email protected]' does not have access to '[email protected]', which makes no sense.