
Looking at the following XML-Example:

        <title lang="eng">Harry Potter</title>
        <title lang="eng">Learning XML</title>

Using XPath i wan't to select all books with first child being a title element and second child being a price element. This would return the first book in the example.

I tried the following expression:

book[title[1] and price[2]]

But this expression doesn't match, because it's selecting all books with at least one title element and with at least two price elements. How can i change this expression to select all books with first child being a title element and second child being a price element?


1 Answers


You can do it by getting the title child and check if there is the following price sibling:


Demo (using xmllint):

$ xmllint input.xml --xpath '//book[title/following-sibling::price]'
        <title lang="eng">Harry Potter</title>

Another approach would be to check the name()s of the first and second children of book node:

//book[name(*[1]) = "title" and name(*[2]) = "price"]