I'm converting php code to hhvm. One page in particular sometimes needs to flush() a status-message to the browser before sending some emails and a few other slow tasks and then updating the status message.
Before hhvm (using php-fpm and nginx) I used:
header('Content-Encoding: none;');
echo "About to send emails...";
if (ob_get_level() > 0) { ob_end_flush(); }
// Emails sent here
echo "Emails sent.";
So the content-encoding stops gzip being used, then the flush sends the first message, then the second message is sent when the page ends.
Using HHVM (and nginx), setting the Content-encoding header works (it shows up in the browser), but either hhvm or nginx is ignoring it and sending the page as gzipped content, so the browser interprets the content-encoding=none with binary data.
How can I disable gzip inside php code on HHVM?
(I know I could turn it off in the config files, but I want it kept on for nearly every page load except a few that will run slower.)