Ive implemented a stereo pipeline in Matlab multiple times, and now I am trying to implement one in OpenCV. Ive been following Martin Peris's reconstruction: http://blog.martinperis.com/2012/01/3d-reconstruction-with-opencv-and-point.html
When implementing with Matlab, my pipeline goes like this: calibration -> rectification -> stereo matching -> unrectify/unwarp matches -> triangulate matches.
In OpenCV, the pipeline goes like this calibration -> rectification -> stereo matching -> reprojectTo3D
with the reprojectTo3D function here: http://docs.opencv.org/modules/calib3d/doc/camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.html#void%20reprojectImageTo3D%28InputArray%20disparity,%20OutputArray%20_3dImage,%20InputArray%20Q,%20bool%20handleMissingValues,%20int%20ddepth%29
Is it not doing triangulation? How is this possible? Is it assuming the cameras are in a canonical setup and parallel already?