I'm working on a JSF page that needs to have the corporate privacy policy updated. Rather than copy-and-paste the new text, I'd prefer to have the PrimeFaces dialog that displays it link to the privacy policy elsewhere. So, I'm doing this:
<p:dialog id="dlgPrivacyPolicy">
<ui:include src="https://cdn.mycompany.com/privacy/en-us/privacy.htm"/>
The problem is, the HTML on that page is slightly malformed; there's a <meta>
tag that isn't closed. This causes my JSF page to fail to compile.
I could track down whoever maintains that page and ask them to correct it, but that's a band-aid. If any more malformed HTML shows up on that page, it will crash mine. And having my page fail to load because the privacy policy didn't close a tag just isn't acceptable.
Is there a safe way for me to insert potentially malformed HTML into my page? Or am I stick with copying and pasting if I really want to avoid that issue?
on a static HTML page crashes my application, that's on me. – BlairHippo