Here's what I have to dp:
Consider an ATmega324A development board and a CSSE2010/CSSE7201 IO Board. Switches S3 to S0 are connected to AVR port B pins 3 to 0. Push button B0 is connected to AVR port A pin 0. LEDs L0 and L2 and connected to AVR port C pins 0 and 2 respectively. LED L0 (red) is the “Locked” LED and should only be on when the lock is locked. LED L2 (green) is the “Unlocked” LED and should only be on when the lock is unlocked. The lock initially starts in the locked state. The user enters the binary code for a digit on the switches (S3 to S0) and then presses and releases push button B0 to “enter” the first digit. The user then enters the binary code for the second digit on the switches and presses and releases push button B0 to “enter” the second digit. If the digits match the expected value (the last digit of your student number followed by the third digit of your student number) then the lock should be “unlocked”, otherwise it should stay in the locked state until the two digits are entered correctly.
Here is my code so far:
#include <avr/io.h>
/* Seven segment display values */
uint8_t seven_seg[16] = { 63,6,91,79,102,109,125,7,127,111,119,124,57,94,121,113};
int main(void) {
uint8_t digit;
uint8_t temp;
uint8_t digit2;
uint8_t code[2] = {6,3}
DDRA = 11111110; //port A is input (last bit)
DDRB = 0X00; //port B is input
DDRC = 0x0F; //port c is output
DDRD = 0XFF; //set port D to be output
while(1) {
/* Read in a digit from lower half of port C pins */
/* We read the whole byte and mask out upper bits */
PORTB = 1; //Led is red
clock = PINA & 00000001; //read in last bit of port A
temp = PINB & 0X0F; //read in lower half of port b
/* Checks to see the first digit is correct */
if(temp == code[0] && clock == 1) {
digit = temp;
PORTD = seven_seg[temp];
} else {
PORTD = 0;
I'm getting stuck at the point where I have to read in the second digit. Would I be doing this inside a nested loop of the first? Or how would I go about reading in two digits from my switches, which is clocked in each time from the press of a button?