
I saw a great tutorial from IBM explaining creating a search modulo into a view panel.

The code from the viewpanel ( search property ) I adjusted:

 "(Field txt_autor = \"" + sessionScope.searchAutor + "\")";

Is there any chance I can modify the code so that it offers the search results for the partial string matches also, for example: if Autor = Smith and in the string searchAutor = Smit currently I get 0 documents / 0 results. Something like CONTAINS will be useful, if it's possible.

Thanks for your time.

Instead of if (sessionScope.searchAutor != null & sessionScope.searchAutor != "") {, use just if (sessionScope.searchAutor) { - it is "JavaScript"...Frantisek Kossuth
Thanks a lot, @FrantisekKossuthFlorin M.

1 Answers


Add a star "*" in front and at the end of every search string like "*Smit*".

Your code would look like this then

tmpArray[cTerms++]= "(Field txt_titlu = \"*" + sessionScope.searchTitle + "*\")";