I'm struggling to get simple audio playback. I've got a list of tracks, each at unique url's that I would like to play when a user presses the associated play button. I've attempted soundmanager2 and jplayer but couldn't get it to work for my use case (desktop browser and ios). I have fallen back to straight up html5 with the code as follows
<audio controls>
<source src="/path/to/file" type="audio/wav">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
This works perfectly in desktop chrome and desktop safari. In ios chrome and ios safari (latest) the player isn't presented, but instead a message within a grey box saying "Cannot play audio file" is presented.
Am I using this tag correctly? How can I overcome these errors?
Update 1
I am sending the wav file from google appengine (as a blob). I have found that safari cannot play unless I add .wav to the end of the src - despite the src just being an indirect link to the file. The actual file returned does end in .wav but Safari isn't smart enough to recognise this.
Update 2
The following works in all browsers (mentioned above) - so it is not specific to wav files.
<audio controls preload="metadata">
<source src="http://www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/AudioFormats/WAVE/Samples/AFsp/M1F1-Alaw-AFsp.wav" type="audio/wav">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
I've sent the file from google app engine as both a MIME attachment and a raw response but it makes no difference.
Update 3
I've swapped in a longer wav file (http://www.villagegeek.com/downloads/webwavs/ever_again.wav) and this too is unable to play (on ios). It isn't clear if it's because of the length, size or some other variable.
Update 4
I've ruled out size being the issue because this 24s wav file works
<audio controls preload="auto">
<source src="http://www.dailywav.com/sites/default/files/wavs/dontlikelaughing.wav" type="audio/wav">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
Update 5
So I'm serving the file from a google cloud storage bucket. When saving the file I'm not specifying the MIME type and as a result it is being returned as binary/octet-stream. The desktop browsers are smart enough to overcome this, but the mobile browsers are not.