I want to use the page editor for editting my pages. I'm using Sitecore MVC, so my layout is called default.cshtml. I have multiple placeholders in this layout.
I've checked my HTML and I've checked in the code if Sitecore is in PageEditorMode.
In this question somebody has the same problem, but he's using Webforms.
This is the JSON I'm seeing in the page. Any ideas?
{"commands":[{"click":"chrome:common:edititem({command:\"webedit:open\"})","header":"Edit the related item","icon":"/temp/IconCache/SoftwareV2/16x16/cubes_blue.png","disabledIcon":"/temp/cubes_blue_disabled16x16.png","isDivider":false,"tooltip":"Edit this item in the Content Editor.","type":"common"}],"contextItemUri":"sitecore://master/{9915C7DC-E1B4-48A5-807F-EDE309F9DE3C}?lang=en&ver=1","custom":{},"displayName":"Title","expandedDisplayName":null}
in the root folder? – jammykam