Knowledge has no limits but still in your opions, what are the basic requirements for an individual, where he can call himself a flex developer. To make it a bit concrete lets say after having a 2-3 years experience.
In my perspective it should be something like below. It is a very (very) rough idea and please let me know your views and suggestions on this.
BASIC: (1) Knowldge about basic GUI components like tab, vbox, etc. Their properties and the ability to decide which component suits better in a condition. (2) Knowledge to use services like HTTP, wsdl, remote objects, etc. (3) knowledge about basic event handling mechanisms and bindings. (4) Knowledge about basic Object Oriented principles.
EXCITING: (1) Knowledge about advanced GUI components. (2) Knowledge about architectures like cairngorm, live cycle data services, etc. (3) Knowledge to write custom components and renderes and using advanced properties of components. (4) Knowledge about Design principles.
Also, are there some FREE online tests/certifications etc where one can test his/her flex/as skills ?
Thanks in advance.