Here's the latest and greatest as of version 2020.1
To move caret between matching code block braces, press Ctrl+Shift+M.
To navigate between code blocks, press Ctrl+Shift+[ or Ctrl+Shift+].
From the documentation
Navigate with the caret
To navigate backwards, press Ctrl+Alt+← Left. To navigate forward, press
Ctrl+Alt+→→ Right.
To navigate to the last edited location, press Ctrl+Shift+Backspace.
To find the current caret location in the editor, press Ctrl+M. This
action might be helpful if you do not want to scroll through a large
However, you can press the Up and Down arrow keys to achieve the same
To highlight a word at the caret you are trying to locate, select Edit
| Find | Next Occurrence of the Word at Caret from the main menu.
To see on what element the caret is currently positioned, press Alt+Q.
To move caret between matching code block braces, press Ctrl+Shift+M.
To navigate between code blocks, press Ctrl+Shift+[ or Ctrl+Shift+].
To move the caret forward to the next paragraph or backward to the previous one, press Ctrl+Shift+A and search for the Move Caret Forward a Paragraph or Move Caret Backward a Paragraph action.
You can also select a text and then move the caret forward or backward to a paragraph. Press Ctrl+Shift+[ and search for the Move Caret Forward a Paragraph with Selection or Move Caret Backward a Paragraph with Selection action.