I'm implementing client-server communication using UDP that's used for FTP. First off, you don't need to tell me that UDP is unreliable, I know. My approach is: client asks for a file, server blasts the client with udp packets with sequence numbers, then says "what'd you miss?", resending those. On a local network, packet loss is < 1%. I'm pretty new to socket programming, so I'm not familiar with all the socket options (of which most examples found on google are for tcp).
My problem is why my client's receiving of this data.
mysocket.sendto('GO!', server_addr)
while True:
resp = mysocket.recv(PACKET_SIZE)
But by the time it gets back up to .recv(), it's missed a few udp packets (that I've confirmed are being sent using wireshark). I can fix this by making the server send slightly slower (actually, including logging statements is enough of a delay to make everything function).
How can i make sure that socket.recv doesn't miss anything in the time it takes to process a packet? I've tried pushing the data out to a separate thread that pushes it into a queue, but it's still not enough.
Any ideas? select, recv_into, setblocking?