I'm currently working on a search page. I need to only return a list of themedetails for themes that contain all of the themetag id's that are stored in the int[] ST. Currently the line (ST == null ? true : ST.Contains(b.ThemeTagID)) seems to give me an error
Additional information: Unable to create a null constant value of type 'System.Int32[]'. Only entity types, enumeration types or primitive types are supported in this context.
public ActionResult Index(int ProviderID = 0, string Description = null, int[] ST = null)
var themedetail = from t in db.ThemeDetail
from b in t.ThemeTags
where (
(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description) ? true : t.Description.ToLower().Contains(Description.ToLower())) &&
(ProviderID == 0 ? true : t.ProviderID == ProviderID) &&
(ST == null ? true : ST.Contains(b.ThemeTagID))
select t;
ViewBag.ProviderID = new SelectList(db.ProviderDetails, "ProviderID", "ProviderName");
ViewBag.MultiselectFeatures = new MultiSelectList(db.ThemeFeatures, "ThemeFeatureID", "ThemeFeaturesName");
ViewBag.MultiselectTags = new MultiSelectList(db.ThemeTags, "ThemeTagID", "TagName");
return View(themedetail.ToList());
The Models are...
public class ThemeDetail : Entity
[Display(Name = "Name")]
public string ThemeName { get; set; }
public ThemeDetail()
ThemeFeatures = new List<ThemeFeature>();
ThemeTags = new List<ThemeTag>();
ThemeImages = new List<ThemeImage>();
public virtual ICollection<ThemeFeature> ThemeFeatures { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<ThemeTag> ThemeTags { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<ThemeImage> ThemeImages { get; set; }
public class ThemeTag
[Display(Name = "Theme Tag ID")]
public int ThemeTagID { get; set; }
[Display(Name = "Tag Name")]
public string TagName { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<ThemeDetail> ThemeDetail { get; set; }