Yes,you can use use that by Google Charts
Google chart tools are powerful, simple to use, and free. Try out our
rich gallery of interactive charts and data tools.
Google Charts provides a perfect way to visualize data on your
website. From simple line charts to complex hierarchical tree maps,
the chart gallery provides a large number of ready-to-use chart types.
The most common way to use Google Charts is with simple JavaScript
that you embed in your web page. You load some Google Chart libraries,
list the data to be charted, select options to customize your chart,
and finally create a chart object with an id that you choose. Then,
later in the web page, you create a with that id to display the
Google Chart.
<!--Load the AJAX API-->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Load the Visualization API and the piechart package.
google.load('visualization', '1.0', {'packages':['corechart']});
// Set a callback to run when the Google Visualization API is loaded.
// Callback that creates and populates a data table,
// instantiates the pie chart, passes in the data and
// draws it.
function drawChart() {
// Create the data table.
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'Topping');
data.addColumn('number', 'Slices');
['Mushrooms', 3],
['Onions', 1],
['Olives', 1],
['Zucchini', 1],
['Pepperoni', 2]
// Set chart options
var options = {'title':'How Much Pizza I Ate Last Night',
// Instantiate and draw our chart, passing in some options.
var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
chart.draw(data, options);
<!--Div that will hold the pie chart-->
<div id="chart_div"></div>