new to ruby/rails here so please forgive my ignorance. Working on adding SMS capabilities to an existing app and I’ve been successful while just setting up a ruby document and sending a sms message but when I go to incorporate it in my rails app, I’m getting a little lost.
I’ve followed this document ( and created a SendTextController with the following code but included the account_sid and account_token in my application.yml file using ENV and figaro. In my actual file, I have my twilio phone number and the number I'd like to send it to (just blocked it out here).
Once I set this up, I’m lost at how to call this method from a view in my app?
class TwilioController < ApplicationController
def index
def send_text_message
number_to_send_to = "+1XXXXXXXXXX"
twilio_sid = ENV["TWILIO_SID"]
twilio_token = ENV["TWILIO_TOKEN"]
twilio_phone_number = "+1XXXXXXXXXX"
@twilio_client = twilio_sid, twilio_token
:from => "+1#{twilio_phone_number}",
:to => number_to_send_to,
:body => "Test Message from testing"