Perhaps doing this with regular Ember application having all the code sitting in app.js would have been much easier for me. But since I'm using Ember CLI I'm having trouble accessing my model in my Route. I'm still trying to learn how to use Ember CLI so please help me out.
As I just want to fire AJAX calls and get the data to render on my UI, I downloaded and added Ember Model library to my project. I don't see a need of using Ember Data. This is the Ember Model documentation I'm referring: With that said, here's my directory structure that Ember CLI proposed:
| |-customers.js
| |-customers.js
| |-customers.js
| |-customers.hbs
This is much simpler representation of the actual project structure that I have just to focus on the problem. As proposed in Ember Model documentation I added following code to my Customers model (model\customers.js):
export default Ember.Model.extend({
nameid: attr(),
firstname: attr(),
middlename: attr(),
lastname: attr(),
prefixname: attr(),
suffixname: attr()
this.url = "http://restapi/api/customers";
this.adapter = Ember.RESTAdapter.create();
Notice that I had to do the "export default" instead of "App.Customers = Ember.Model.extend...". This is the Ember CLI convention. So when I try to access the model I created in my Customers Route I get error "Error while loading route: ReferenceError: App is not defined"..
Customers Route code:
export default Ember.Route.extend({
model: function () {
actions: {
addnew: function(){
//logic of saving edited customer
alert('customer created!');
I tried this.model() - Returns an object of type supperWrapper and this.modelFor() - Returns null.
Please suggest how to get an handle of my model in its route so that I can perform CRUD operations provided out-of-the-box by Ember Model.