
We are attempting to get site logos from the Yodlee API. From the SiteInfo data model (using the SOAP API), there are the following methods that appear to retrieve site logos


The issue is that these methods for the sites we are using (all sites with the AU geography) are returning null.

I am pretty sure this is possible to do, since Yodlee's own fastlink does show logos for sites as you are adding them.

Here are the method call signatures

I am using the soap api through java (using axis 1.4, just like in the sample code) and the API signatures are as follows

SiteAccountManagementService has the method getAllSiteAccounts which has the following signature

com.yodlee.soap.collections.core.accountmanagement.ArrayOfSiteAccountInfo getAllSiteAccounts(com.yodlee.soap.common.UserContext userContext).

Then there is also getCctx, which has the following signature public com.yodlee.soap.common.CobrandContext getCctx()

None of these methods have a request specifier parameter of any sought


2 Answers


I don't think icons will be returned by default. I believe you need to specify this in your request specifier to get icons/image.


getAllSiteAccounts API is to get the details for the Accounts aggregated by a consumer, while the information you are looking for(the Logos) are site related not consumer related. You should use getSiteInfo(under SiteTraversal) to get this specific detail and remember to pass value of siteFilter.reqSpecifier as 128.