I have 2 Amazon ELB instances using the same Auto scaling group.
I have the Health Check type set to ELB for the Auto scaling group.
On each EC2 instance from the ASG I have 2 web applications (they are hosted in IIS, but I don't think it's really relevant).
Once I have every thing up and running I shut down the IIS on one of those instances so that the health checks from both ELB fail for that specific EC2 instances. (The ASG still sees the instances as healthy, but the ELB sees them as out of service).
My ASG has
Desired instances: 2
Min: 2
Max: 4
I was expecting that the EC2 instance be terminated and the ASG create a new one, but this doesn't happen.
Any ideas ? Thanks
PS: It works fine for 1 ELB instance and 1 ASG with only one web application under IIS.