I was adding a Buy Now button in opencart product page (also add to cart will be there)
First i edited catalog/view/theme/mytheme/template/product/product.tpl (to get Buy Now button in product page)
<?php if ($stock == "In Stock") { echo '<input type="button" value="Add to Cart" id="button-cart" class="button-product-page" />'; echo " "; echo '<input type="button" value="Buy Now" id="button-cart-buy" class="button-product-page" />'; } else {echo '<input type="button" value="Out Of Stock" class="button-product-page"/>'; } ?>
And after this,in product.tpl, i made a new function (button-cart-buy) for Buy Now similar to button-cart function but i changed the json['success'] as below for Buy Now:
if (json['success']) {window.location='index.php?route=checkout/checkout'; }
Its working when we click Buy Now on product page with link as (http://domain.com/Product) but its not working if we click Buy now after browsing product from categories i.e http://domain.com/MainCategory/SubCategory/Product then i am getting url as http://domain.com/MainCategory/SubCategory/index.php?route=checkout/checkout. But the product is getting added to the Cart.
This issue is mainly in IE and sometimes it occurs in Mozilla also.
I had also tried copying addtoCart function in common.js. But still not working out.
Am i missing something or need to alter..? Please help
A word for thanks for Jay Gilford:
Thanks Jay Gilford for your response.
This answer helps in resolving 5-6 open threads at opencart forum.