
I've a Flex application which loads a Flash swf via SWF loader; the Flash swf is in AS3. the flash swf has code to dispatchEvent a Text Event

Flash Code:

var re:TextEvent = new TextEvent(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT,true,true);

Flex Code:

<mx:SWFLoader source="menu.swf" id="mnu" complete="menuLoaded(event)" />
 private var mySwfMve:MovieClip;
 function menuLoaded(event:Event): void {
    mySwfMve = mnu.content as MovieClip;

private function enterFrameHandler(eft:Event):void {
trace(eft.toString()); /* This works fine , I can see enter frame events in Flex builder debug trace */

private function textInputEventHandler(tme:TextEvent):void {
   trace(tme.toString());/* NOT WORKING, I've a dispatchEvent in Flash Swf

I don't see any TextEvents being dispatched from Flash. They are not seen in the debug trace.. I can capture enter frame events however.

Any ideas?

What happens if you add the event listener directly to the SWFLoader instead of to the content? Also note that you are not adding the ENTER_FRAME event listener to the SWFLoader, so that is not an indicator that the events are being dispatched/caught correctly from the MovieClip.Karthik

1 Answers


Just creating the event doesn't dispatch it. You need to


from something that extends EventDispatcher