I am writing a function, actually translating it from a pseudocode form to julia. I keep getting the following complaint:
julia> include("coefficients.jl") ERROR: syntax: incomplete: "function" at /Users/comerduncan/MarkFiniteDiffDerivativs/coefficients.jl:1 requires end in include at boot.jl:244 while loading /Users/comerduncan/MarkFiniteDiffDerivativs/coefficients.jl, in expression starting on line 1
Here is my current version of the function:
function coefficients(order, x_list, x0)
M = order
N = length(x_list) - 1
delta = [0 for i=0:N,j=0:N,k=0:M]
delta[0,0,0]= 1
c1 = 1
for n =1:N+1
c2 = 1
for nu =0:n
c3 = x_list[n]-x_list[nu]
c2 = c2 * c3
if n <= M
for k=0:min(n,M)+1
delta[k,n,nu] = (x_list[n]-x0)*delta[k,n-1,nu] -\
delta[k,n,nu] /= c3
end # k
end # nu
for m=0:min(n,M)+1
delta[m,n,n] = c1/c2*(m*delta[m-1,n-1,n-1] \
- (x_list[n-1]-x0)*delta[m,n-1,n-1] )
end # m
c1 = c2
end # n
return delta