I have the following sql query which will save some value to a table by date:
/* ADD TODAY DATE (e.g. 04-11-2014) WITH THE ABANDON RATE % */
--TRUNCATE TABLE [db].[dbo].[table]
INSERT INTO [db].[dbo].[table] --uncomment on second and consequent run
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),110) AS [Date], [F5] AS [Abandon_Rate]
--INTO [db].[DBO].[table] --on first run and then comment
FROM [db].[DBO].[table2]
So every Sunday when it runs it will have the following data:
Date Abandon_Rate
4-13-2014 12.3
And every week it will keep inserting to the existing data for every week.
How can I write a expression in SSRS where it will only show the last 12 weeks data only in a bar chart.
So for example, if there was data for the last 18 weeks:
Date Abandon_Rate
4-13-2014 12.3
4-6-2014 9.6
3-30-2014 8.9
3-23-2014 11.3
1-15-2014 7.6
I will only see data from 1-26-2014 to 4-13-2014 and consequently, every week it will increase a week from the previous week.
SELECT TOP 12 CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),110) AS [Date], [F5] AS [Abandon_Rate] FROM [db].[DBO].[table2] ORDER BY [Date] DESC
– BateTech