
I am trying to configure reading messages from Quickfix(Reads fix messages) into spring integration. I know I can use inbound-channel-adapter to read data from external source such as Quickfix. Can you provide an example of how to write an event driven inbound channel adapter? I have following config which is not working

<bean id="QuickFixClient" class="com.limebrokerage.quickfix.QuickFixClient" >
<constructor-arg index="0" value= "/home/sbansal/workspace/bo/target/config/sterling.qfix" />

<int:inbound-channel-adapter ref="QuickFixClient" method="fromApp" channel="FixChannel">
What issue do you have? Have you configured <poller> to poll that method periodically? Is that path really OK for the app? Does your QuickFixClient work if call it directly? Please, provide more info on the matter.Artem Bilan

1 Answers


Message-driven channel adapters, typically, extend MessageProducerSupport, build a message using MessageBuilder and invoke send(message).

Or you can write a simple POJO and inject a <gateway/> into it with a service-interface method that returns void.