
Currently is it possible to do a deep link on a Facebook share post? Here is the use case I'm trying to implement:

  1. I go to a post on my website: http://www.helloworld.com/share-this-post.html and use FB share to share the link.
  2. I open the iOS Facebook app on my phone and click on the link I just shared.
  3. Then if I have the native HelloWorld iOS app installed on my phone, Facebook will open up my native app instead of opening the link in a webview. Else it will take me to the app store to download my native app.


Have you figured out how to do that?Rodrigo Ruiz
@RodrigoRuiz yeah, FB recently launched a feature called Applinks which lets you set a series of meta tags on your page that lets the FB app know how to deep link to your app based on a url.feiyingx
What if I'm sharing with whatsapp or imessage?Rodrigo Ruiz

1 Answers


I think the basic idea here is a URL Scheme that you need to create. When a user does the actions necessary to open your app send them to this URL -> which opens your app or takes them to the app store to purchase your app.

Do a quick google search on how to create a URL scheme, its quite simple.

Does this answer your question?