
Since I reinstalled Eclipse (simply deleted and downloaded it again) I can't debug my applications on Samsung Galaxy i9001 (with CyanogenMod - Android 4.4.2). It worked fine before reinstallation.

Unplug/plug, Uncheck/check "Debug Enabled", adb kill-server/adb start-server, restart phone/computer doesn't work for me. On the device authorize dialog never appears (but I remember that dialog appeared before reinstallation). I have no idea how to force this authorize dialog to display. There is no abd_key.pub file in .android directory. When i try read cpu info DDMS says:

[2014-04-15 12:47:06 - DDMS] device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation dialog on your device.

Any ideas? Is it possible to generate keys manually without confirmation dialog?

USB Connection Via USB

Wireless Connection Via Wi-fi

Random guess, but what if you delete all debug authorizations in settings on the phone.Chris Stratton
I did it but nothing happens...Quak
USB Drivers reinstalled - still nothing.Quak
Worked for me first time +1punith
1. unplug, 2. goto the developer menu, 3. remove all allowed devices, 4. replug the usb to your pc, 5. on the pop-up on your phone select remember, click allow, done! 6. ? 7. profit!user257319

30 Answers


It's likely that the device is no longer authorized on ADB for whatever reason.

1. Check if authorized:

<ANDROID_SDK_HOME>\platform-tools>adb devices
List of devices attached
4df798d76f98cf6d        unauthorized

2. Revoke USB Debugging on phone

If the device is shown as unauthorized, go to the developer options on the phone and click "Revoke USB debugging authorization" (tested with JellyBean & Samsung GalaxyIII).

3. Restart ADB Server:

Then restarted adb server

adb kill-server
adb start-server

4. Reconnect the device

The device will ask if you are agree to connect the computer id. You need to confirm it.

5. Now Check the device

It is now authorized!

adb devices
<ANDROID_SDK_HOME>\platform-tools>adb devices
List of devices attached
4df798d76f98cf6d        device

Ohhh finally I figured it out! After removing Eclipse directory I installed it into another directory.


has displayed wrong path to sdk directory.

  1. set ANDROID_SDK_HOME "E:\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140321\sdk"
  2. unplug device
  3. adb kill-server
  4. adb start-server
  5. plug device

After these steps, I was able to see confirmation dialog with RSA fingerprint on my phone :)


Try forcing ADB to create new keys.

  • On Linux:

    $ mv ~/.android/adbkey ~/.android/adbkey.old
    $ mv ~/.android/adbkey.pub ~/.android/adbkey.pub.old
    $ adb kill-server
    $ adb start-server
  • On Windows 10 (thank you, Pau Coma Ramirez, Naveen and d4c0d312!):

    • Go to %HOMEPATH%\Android\.android\
    • Look for files called adbkey or adbkey.pub.
    • Delete these files. Or, if you want to be on the safe side, move them to another directory.
    • Repeat the above steps in %USERPROFILE%\.android\
    • Try again

After this I didn't even need to unplug my phone: the authorization prompt was already there. Good luck!


I run into the same issues with nexus7.

Following worked for fixing this.

  1. Open Developer option in the Settings menu on your device.

  2. Switch off the button on the upper right of the screen.

  3. Delete all debug permission from the list of the menu.

  4. Switch on the button on the upper right of the screen.

now reconnect your device to your PC and everything should be fine.

Sorry for my poor english and some name of the menus(buttons) can be incorrect in your language because mine is Japanese.


I had the same problem. It was resolved by setting "USB computer connection" to "Camera (PTP)" instead of "Media Device (MTP)


I wasted hours on this stupid issue. None of the above solutions worked for me on their own.

I'm running Windows 10. I had an old manual install of the Android SDK as well as Android Studio's SDK. I deleted my manually installed SDK and all my devices stopped working. These were the symptoms:

$ adb usb
error: device unauthorized.
This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set
Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong.
Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.

as well as

$ adb devices
List of devices attached
id1        unauthorized
id2        unauthorized
id3        unauthorized

To be honest I'm not sure which of these steps got me my Allow USB debugging? prompts back so I listed EVERYTHING for completeness. Goes in order from easiest to hardest. Most people seem to be back on their feet after the first two sections.

Restart ADB

I would perform this after each of the sections below.

adb kill-server
adb usb

Go crazy with developer options

  1. Turn Developer options off and back on
  2. Turn USB debugging off and back on
  3. Revoke USB debugging authorizations. Try this while USB debugging is on and if possible try also when USB debugging is off.

Replug devices

  1. Unplug and replug USB cable into phone.
  2. Switch physical ports on your PC that your USB cable is connected into
  3. Switch physical USB cables you're using to connect your devices

Start rebooting everything

  1. Reboot all your devices and connect again
  2. Reboot your PC
  3. Toggle WIFI on and off

Start deleting things

  1. CAUTION Delete your ~/.android folder. Sometimes this folder can have the wrong permissions which can cause issues. You might want to back this folder up first.
  2. Uninstall all manufacturer specific drivers from add/remove programs. I uninstalled the following (names are not exact)
    • LG United USB Driver
    • HTC Mobile USB Driver
    • OnePlus USB Drivers 1.00
    • Samsung USB Driver
  3. I also uninstalled all emulators and their respective drivers (optional)
    • Nox & related drivers
    • Bluestacks
    • Genymotion

Erase all Android related environment variables.

  1. Delete %ANDROID_HOME% if you have it set
  2. Delete %ANDROID_SDK_HOME% if you have it set

At this point all my devices magically came to life and started displaying the Allow USB debugging? prompts and connecting properly through ADB. If you've made it this far and haven't found a solution, I am truly sorry you're in this predicament. Make sure you've restarted all devices and your dev machine at the end of all of these steps and connect to a fresh USB port using a new cable.

If that still doesn't work try some of these other SO posts on the subject:


For reference, I just encountered much the same issue on Linux and had a hell of a time figuring it out. I eventually determined that I had a ~/.android directory that was root owned (thanks to running adb as root, while flailing around trying to figure out other connection problems). Deleting that root owned ~/.android directory resolved the missing authorisation dialog next time I reconnected the device.

It's possible that simply changing the ownership would also have fixed the problem - I'm guessing it was a simple lack of access to the adb key file stored inside that was the root of the problem. I didn't verify that, though, and I'm not going to deliberately break my hard-won connectivity just so I can check ;-)


Steps that worked for me:
1. Disconnect phone from usb cable
2. Revoke USB Debugging on phone
3. Restart the device
4. Reconnect the device

The most important part was rebooting the device. Didn't work without it .


I was getting this error with my Nexus 10. I tried all of the answers I could find, and then I realized I was using a different USB port than usual. I switched to using the port I usually use, which is on the other side of my laptop, and the authorization popped up on my tablet!


Had similar issue on osx and Nexus 5 (A6.0.1). I did get the authorization pop-up and confirmed it, despite that Android Studio nor any other IDE could connect to device.

Turned out my Nexus (rooted) was missing key files.

  • Rebooted Android device into recovery
  • Ran code pasted below
  • Rebooted Android device, adb now identifies device

Push key from computer to Android device:

 cd ~/.android && adb push adbkey.pub /data/misc/adb/adb_keys

Solution came from here


As the message have stated, you need to allow the adb access on your phone.

You need to first connect the phone to your PC with USB cables, then the authorization message will pop out on the screen. Tick remember your choice, then allow it.

IF your device doesnt shows any messages when connected to the PC.Just do this.

Remove /data/misc/adb/adb_key, reboot your phone and try connect again. The message should come up.


I was tiered with this, I got that permission dialog by turning off wi-fi of my phone.


The solution is to copy your file ~/.android/adbkey.pub (on GNU/Linux, or %USERPROFILE%\.android\adbkey.pub on Windows) to Android, and place it as /data/misc/adb/adb_keys. You need root privileges to do that.

You can transfer the file any way you like (or are able to), be it USB, e-mail or a temporary file upload service. In my case, as it was a new Android-x86 installation in a Virtual Machine, no usable web browser, and with network/TCP adb not working, I had to actually type in the 715 characters.

At least it worked.


After having spent over an hour going in rounds swearing at Samsung (mostly), Google, and who not, here are my findings, that finally helped me get the device recognized:

  1. On Device:
    • Set developer mode
    • Allow USB debugging
    • Default USB configuration > Select USB tethering
    • Connect device to PC USB
  2. On PC:
    • Elevated cmd/ps prompt (maybe not mandatory, but that was my drill)
    • adb kill-server (precede with .\ in ps)
    • adb start-server (while device connected) > watch for prompt on device
  3. On device:
    • Always allow connections from this computer > Yes
  4. On PC:
    • adb devices gets the following output:
List of devices attached
278c250cce217ece        device

If you are on ubuntu, try running the server as root:

sudo adb kill-server

sudo adb start-server


I was not getting the RSA fingerprint pop up on my phone.

I had to go into the

  C:\Users\<userName>\.android\adbkey and adbkey.pub 

files, delete those and then do kill and restart of adb server. I had to stop and restart the debugger and connecting as USB in PTP mode.

Because the RSA authorisation key was getting stored in this path, killing and restarting the adb server didn't help.


This solved my issue!

  1. run your android simulator
  2. go to setting and enable developer mode
  3. enable from the developer settings usb debugging

at this point you will get popup massage at you emulator to authorise the device and you are good to go :)


You should delete the file: c:\users\_user_name_\.android\adbkey


On some Samsung devices the mode change that can be set by dialing *#0808# doesn't stick without direct reboot. Once rebooted, dial the same string and make sure that you have adb + mdp selected and USB set to AP. After this make sure to reconnect phone and restart ADB server. Also try to avoid USB hubs and virtual machines witch surely complicate matter further. The follow the previously mentioned instructions for clearing authorized devices etc.


I had a similar problem. However, it was solved using a different solution. I thought I might share this here as well. Let me describe my problem first.

I had the Android SDK in my ubuntu. The path to the android SDK was not in the environment variable path. I installed adb using a apt-get command and it could not find the sdk home folder and hence, it was showing the unauthorized error and the device was not popping up anything as well. I got stuck here.

Then I uninstalled the adb using apt-get purge which I installed earlier. The Android SDK has the adb program in the platform-tools folder. I just add the path to the environment variable and it worked like a charm.

export PATH=${PATH}:/home/YOUR-USERNAME/path/to/adb
adb devices
List of devices attached
f7f716d56905    device

Hence the problem was not setting the Android SDK to the environment variable path.


Disconnect your device from the computer.

Go into developer settings.

Turn off developer settings.

Turn on developer settings.

Enable USB Debugging (and whatever other settings you enabled beforehand)

Reconnect your device to the computer.

Try again.

Worked for me so hope it works for you!


The same issue started appearing once I changed my development device, it was solved as:

$ mv ~/.android/adbkey ~/.android/adbkey.old
$ mv ~/.android/adbkey.pub ~/.android/adbkey.pub.old
$ adb kill-server
$ adb start-server

I had the same message in two phones:

- Sony Xperia E
- Samsung Galaxy Core 2

both Android 4.4.2, and i solved it with these two steps:

1.- Updating my adb to 1.0.31, downloading the latest version of Android SDK from SDK Manager

You can check your adb version by typing

adb version

2.- Once the phone is plugged in USB Debugging mode, A message appears asking you to authorize this computer for debugging. You have to mark "Always allow this computer", and click on Allow.

Hope it helps.


I just try adb kill-server, it works for me:

PS C:\Users\languoguang> adb devices
List of devices attached
MKJ0117A19000186        unauthorized
PS C:\Users\languoguang> adb shell
error: device unauthorized.
This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set
Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong.
Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.

kill and start adb server:

PS C:\Users\languoguang> adb kill-server
PS C:\Users\languoguang> adb start-server
* daemon not running; starting now at tcp:12345
* daemon started successfully
PS C:\Users\languoguang> adb devices
List of devices attached
MKJ0117A19000186        device

Check if you have Samsung Kies installed. That is one possible solution


This is error because your window version haven't driver for usb 3.0 to receiver authenticate permission from phone. I spent 5 day with this bug. Now, install 58964_Intel(R)_USB_3.0 driver. And continue with awesome code!

i use this link to download driver


it's not may work for all situations but because i used a long cable my device doesnt connect properly and the message wont pop up change the cable may solve the problem


adb usb worked for me This restarts the adb daemon listening on the USB port The command returned:

error: device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation dialog on your device

. But the prompt for the RSA key showed up on the phone straight away. Once I approved, everything started working as expected


After installing Android studio, I had incorrect permissions on the folder "~/.android"(access for reading and writing only for root). So I changed it and ran project from Android studio(device still was marked as "unauthorized").

Android studio showed an error "Error installing apk", but in the folder "~/.android" were created files "adbkey", "adbkey.pub", "debug.keystore".

After that I restarted adb (ran commands adb kill-server and adb start-server) and authorization dialog appeared on my device.

Hopefully someone will approach this solution.


What I've done to solve the issue was to disconnect and reconnect the usb cable to the USB port again (done with another port on my machine).

Then I have chose to charge and that's it. The mobile device asked me to grant access for the machine, I agreed and that's solved the issue.

When running adb devices, I saw the device in the list.

(Done in Windows 10 home).