i have a fact table with 2 columns corresponding to dimensions Dim1, Dim2. In the same table i have 4 other columns Value_Type(int), INT_VALUE(int), FLOAT_VALUE(float), TEXT_VALUE(string). There are a number of measures which are identified by Value_Type and depending on their nature could be written in one of the 3 columns (INT_VALUE(int), FLOAT_VALUE(float), TEXT_VALUE(string)) Let's say Measure1 with Measure_Type=1 is age, 2 is account balance and 3 is Name for clarity. There could be other measure types that use these 3 same columns for data. So the sample fact table looks like this
10 10 1 25
10 10 2 2000,34
10 10 3 John
10 20 1 28
10 20 2 3490,23
10 20 3 Frank
My task is to write an MDX query for each Dim1, Dim2 combination which returns all 3 measures in the same row. The idea is to construct a calculated member for each Measure that returns value from the right field. For example for Measure1 we take INT_VALUE with measure_type=1. The problem is i don't know how to construct MDX query for these calculated members. Can you please help me?
So my final goal is to write an MDX query that returns all measures in one row for each set of Dim1, Dim2
SELECT [Measure1], [Measure2], [Measure3] ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY [Dim1].[Dim1].[Dim1].Members*[Dim2].[Dim2].[Dim2].Members ON ROWS
FROM [Cube]
Dim1 Dim2 Measure1 Measure2 Measure3
10 10 25 2000,34 John
10 20 28 3490,23 Frank