I have a fresh install of Eclipse 4.3, Worklight Studio v6.1 Consumer Edition, Worklight Mobile Test Workbench, Android SDK and the ADT plug-in. I am using Windows 7. Using the Android SDK, I only installed the Android 19 API. In Eclipse Window -> Preferences -> Android, the SDK Location is correct and the list shows 3 targets - all using Android 19 ("Android 4.4.2", "Google APIs" and "Google APIs x86").
When I use the wizard to create an Android Worklight Environment, it insists on using the Android 18 API level. I know I can change the API level using the Properties of the created Android project but I should not have to. I have seen other questions where the wizard used Android 19 and they wanted to use a lower level. But the answers did not mention a way to permanently change that.
I also noticed that the created iml file had this line:
<orderEntry type="jdk" jdkName="Android 4.2.2" jdkType="Android SDK" />
Android 4.2.2 is associated with the Android 17 API which adds even more confusion.
I cannot find anywhere to specify which API level to use. Is there a place to do this? Or will I always have to change my created Android projects? It seems others are getting projects created with Android 19 so why am I seeing it use Android 18?