Hi Im quite new in Arduino and electronics so bear with me.
I have a project to control a step motor using Matlab and Simulink. For now I just want to get the thing up and running. I have hooked up the schematic tested it with a simple code for a step motor and it works (this has been done without Matlab). My problem is how can i get the motor to run using Simulink and Matlab?
When i try to Run the Simulink model i get this
My step motor driver board is ULN2003APG and my motor is .
I have downloaded the Arduino Hardware Support Package for Matlab and have already uploaded the server program to Arduino to enable communication between Matlab and Arduino.
I have no idea what might be causing the error that i get. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
If there are any existing guides or any examples covering such topics u can redirect me to them.
(If there is a need to write a new driver for the board please send me some tutorial where I can read about that.)
Thanks in advance.
Here are step by step the things that I do to try and get my Simulink model to run:
1: Complete the steps in this tutorial.
2: Download MATLAB Support Package for Arduino.
3: Connect the arduino uno to PC, open the Arduino IDE and upload adioes.pde from step 2.
4: Open Matlab change working path (if not it gives an error)
5: Open existing example from downloaded MATLAB Support Package for Arduino ...\ArduinoIO\examples\stepper_sim.mdl
6: Change COMPORT and click Tools/Run on Target Hardware/Prepare to run and after that Tools/Run on Target Hardware/Run
After that I get my error.
Here is a nother image of the simulink model: