An old question with mostly correct, but not very efficient answers. This what I propose:
Create a base class that contains init() method and static cast methods (for a single object and an array). The static methods could be anywhere; the version with the base class and init() allows easy extensions afterwards.
export class ContentItem {
static castAs<T extends ContentItem>(doc: T, proto: typeof ContentItem): T {
if (doc instanceof proto) { return doc; }
const d: T = Object.create(proto.prototype);
Object.assign(d, doc);
return d;
static castAllAs<T extends ContentItem>(docs: T[], proto: typeof ContentItem): T[] {
return => ContentItem.castAs(d, proto));
init() { }
Similar mechanics (with assign()) have been mentioned in @Adam111p post. Just another (more complete) way to do it. @Timothy Perez is critical of assign(), but imho it is fully appropriate here.
Implement a derived (the real) class:
import { ContentItem } from './content-item';
export class SubjectArea extends ContentItem {
id: number;
title: string;
areas: SubjectArea[];
depth: number;
lead(): string {
return '. '.repeat(this.depth);
init() {
if (this.areas) {
this.areas = ContentItem.castAllAs(this.areas, SubjectArea);
Now we can cast an object retrieved from service:
const area = ContentItem.castAs<SubjectArea>(docFromREST, SubjectArea);
All hierarchy of SubjectArea objects will have correct class.
A use case/example; create an Angular service (abstract base class again):
export abstract class BaseService<T extends ContentItem> {
BASE_URL = 'http://host:port/';
protected abstract http: Http;
abstract path: string;
abstract subClass: typeof ContentItem;
cast(source: T): T {
return ContentItem.castAs(source, this.subClass);
castAll(source: T[]): T[] {
return ContentItem.castAllAs(source, this.subClass);
constructor() { }
get(): Promise<T[]> {
const value = this.http.get(`${this.BASE_URL}${this.path}`)
.then(response => {
const items: T[] = this.castAll(response.json());
return items;
return value;
The usage becomes very simple; create an Area service:
export class SubjectAreaService extends BaseService<SubjectArea> {
path = 'area';
subClass = SubjectArea;
constructor(protected http: Http) { super(); }
get() method of the service will return a Promise of an array already cast as SubjectArea objects (whole hierarchy)
Now say, we have another class:
export class OtherItem extends ContentItem {...}
Creating a service that retrieves data and casts to the correct class is as simple as:
export class OtherItemService extends BaseService<OtherItem> {
path = 'other';
subClass = OtherItem;
constructor(protected http: Http) { super(); }