I have a JSF composite component which includes as a root an h:form. The form has many components among of which are selectOneMenu and a h:inputFile. When I set enctype="multipart/form-data" on the form, the valuechangelistener of the selectOneMenu is invoked ONLY for two value-changing events. Later, however I interact with the menu, the value change listener is not invoked at all. However, if I remove the enctype="multipart/form-data" every thing works fine. I have to keep enctype="multipart/form-data" because I have a file upload component.
Here is my Bean :
public class TransactionBean implements Serializable {
private Part inReceiptFilePart;
/*setter and getter*/
private TransactionType transactionType;
/*setter and getter*/
private final TransactionType transTypeList[] = {
TransactionType.COMPLETE,TransactionType.TECHNICAL,TransactionType.SUBMUNICIPALITY_TECHNICAL, TransactionType.COMPLAINT, TransactionType.FOLLOWUP_COUNCIL, TransactionType.FOLLOWUP_MANAGEMENT
public TransactionType[] getTransTypeList() {
return transTypeList;
public void transactionTypeChanged(ValueChangeEvent event) {
... /// some code
And here is the JSF composite component :
<h:form id="entryForm" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<p:selectOneMenu id="transType" value="#{transactionBean.transactionType}" style="direction: ltr" valueChangeListener="#{transactionBean.transactionTypeChanged}">
<f:ajax execute="transType" render="@form" > </f:ajax>
<f:selectItems value="#{transactionBean.transTypeList}" var="tt" itemLabel="#{tt.arName}">
<h:inputFile value="#{transactionBean.inReceiptFilePart}" > </h:inputFile>
<p:commandButton id="insertTrans" value="أدخل المعاملة" action="#{transactionBean.insertTransaction}" ajax="false">
The environment is JSF 2.2, Glassfish 4.0 and primefaces 3.5.
Please help me. I am stuck for three days on this problem.