I'm using the Spray JSON library to serialize our case classes into JSON. The problem is that we have some mutually recursive definitions. I am working from the example for serializing sealed traits here: http://www.cakesolutions.net/teamblogs/2012/11/30/spray-json-and-adts/
Here is a simple example that works. Please note the definition of C:
import spray.json._
import DefaultJsonProtocol._
sealed trait BaseTrait
sealed trait SpecializedTrait extends BaseTrait
case class A(argA: BaseTrait, foo: Int) extends SpecializedTrait
case class B(argB: BaseTrait, foo: Int) extends SpecializedTrait
case class C(foo: Int) extends BaseTrait
object BaseTrait {
implicit val cJsonFormat = jsonFormat1(C)
implicit object BaseTraitJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[BaseTrait] {
override def write(obj: BaseTrait): JsValue = throw new IllegalStateException("Not Implemented")
override def read(v: JsValue): BaseTrait = throw new IllegalStateException("Not Implemented")
object SpecializedTrait {
implicit val aJsonFormat = jsonFormat2(A)
implicit val bJsonFormat = jsonFormat2(B)
implicit object SpecializedTraitJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[SpecializedTrait] {
override def write(obj: SpecializedTrait): JsValue = throw new IllegalStateException("Not Implemented")
override def read(v: JsValue): SpecializedTrait = throw new IllegalStateException("Not Implemented")
When you change the definition of "C" to the original mutually recursive definition, .
case class C(argC: SpecializedTrait, foo: Int) extends BaseTrait
object BaseTrait {
implicit val cJsonFormat = jsonFormat2(C)
Now obviously, you can't just say no, I can't have mutually recursive data structures. It seems the compiler is stumbling because of resolution rules for implicit objects.
Is there a workaround for this? I got around it by changing the objects to anonymous class declarations, i.e.
import spray.json._
import DefaultJsonProtocol._
sealed trait BaseTrait
sealed trait SpecializedTrait extends BaseTrait
case class A(argA: BaseTrait, foo: Int) extends SpecializedTrait
case class B(argB: BaseTrait, foo: Int) extends SpecializedTrait
case class C(argC: SpecializedTrait, foo: Int) extends BaseTrait
object BaseTrait {
implicit val cJsonFormat : RootJsonFormat[C] = jsonFormat2(C)
implicit val baseTraitFormat : RootJsonFormat[BaseTrait] = new RootJsonFormat[BaseTrait] {
def write(obj: BaseTrait): JsValue = throw new IllegalStateException("Not Implemented")
def read(v: JsValue): BaseTrait = throw new IllegalStateException("Not Implemented")
object SpecializedTrait {
implicit val aJsonFormat : RootJsonFormat[A] = jsonFormat2(A)
implicit val bJsonFormat : RootJsonFormat[B] = jsonFormat2(B)
implicit val specializedTraitFormat : RootJsonFormat[SpecializedTrait] = new RootJsonFormat[SpecializedTrait] {
override def write(obj: SpecializedTrait): JsValue = throw new IllegalStateException("Not Implemented")
override def read(v: JsValue): SpecializedTrait = throw new IllegalStateException("Not Implemented")
That last snippet works, note the change from "implicit object" to "implicit val" and the subsequent anonymous class.