
Here is the grid:

      .Columns(col =>
          col.Bound(x => x.CompanyId).Visible(false);
          col.Template(x => x.CompanyName).ClientTemplate(Html.ActionLink("#= CompanyName #>", "Update", "AppCompany", new { id = "#= CompanyId #", panel = 1 }, null).ToHtmlString()).Width(120);
      .Pageable(pageable => pageable
      .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
          .Read(read => read.Action("GetData", "EmployeeHistory").Data("sendAntiForgery")))

I am trying to use both CompanyName and CompanyId to render the ActionLink.

col.Template(x => x.CompanyName).ClientTemplate(Html.ActionLink("#= CompanyName #>", "Update", "AppCompany", new { id = "#= CompanyId #", panel = 1 }, null).ToHtmlString()).Width(120);

When the grid renders, I get this error in javascript:

Uncaught ReferenceError: companyid is not defined

CompanyId is in a nav property a couple of domain model levels down, but I have mapping set up with Deflattening so Kendo knows where to find it for sorting/grouping, etc.

The question is, how can I get this to work?




1 Answers


2 things to note on this. I had updated Kendo recently, but had not updated the css and js files. I only updated the dlls in the solution.

Second, the VM property was referencing some DM nav properties that were potentially null. I think this caused the Kendo grid to not be able to hook in my CompanyId as I wanted.

I now have it working with both CompanyName and CompanyId