Working with liferay and portlets from last 3 weeks.
I downloaded the bundled liferay server and placed it on my local drive. I did the set up and was able to access localhost:8080 properly.
I also created some custom portlets and when build them in eclipse the war files were getting deployed in the path C:/liferay/deploy.
Now, I changed the server location, I wanted to have the server in D:/ drive. When I did the transition, started the tomcat server from D:/liferay/tomcat/bin/startup.bat and then build the project, the war files are still building in c:/ drive.
When I copy the war file manually from c:/liferay/deploy to D:/liferay/deploy it gets deployed successfully. I want the war file to be created directly in the d:/liferay/deploy folder. Can someone help me understand what all changes do i need to do here?