
Is there a way to disable the click on records from a tree view,so that the user can only see displayed fields (not details displayed when clicking)?

I've tried to put readonly="1".

Edited I have a one2many field that i display in a tree view in my form view like this:

enter image description here

When some record is clicked in the tree view, details are displayed in a popup like this:

enter image description here

i don't wan't that this popup show up for anyone

Could someone please tell me is there a way to do it, maybe by using some css class? Thank you

question: you have some users who are allowed to see the tree view, but not the form view?Ethan Furman
I don't need and i don't want that the view to be displayed for any usersoukainas

2 Answers


in the form and tree view you can add create='false' to disable the create button and edit='false' to disable the edit button.Also use editable="top" or editable="bottom" if you dont want the form view to popup. for example

<tree string="Sale Order" create="false" edit="false" editable="bottom">

I encounter this problem. Try this. Instead of

<field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>

change it to

<field name="view_mode">tree</field>

then no form view will show you and the tree view is not clickable anymore.