I understand that upgrade lock tries to solve classic deadlock example where two concurrent threads holding onto Read lock and trying to acquire writelock will deadlock.
Thread A: S lock (acquired)
Thread B: S lock (acquired)
Thread A: X lock (waiting for B to release S lock)
Thread B: X lock (waiting for A to release S lock) DEADLOCKED
Why same problem is not with upgrade lock? This documentation says that only one thread may be granted upgrade lock and it is permitted to do so while other threads are still holding onto S lock. Can someone explain why two concurrent threads running this pattern will not run into deadlock?
lock.AcquireSharedLock() // Thread A and B both acquired this S lock
lock.EnterUpgradeableReadLock(); // Only one (e.g. A) acquired U lock and other (e.g. B) is blocked here.
lock.AcquireExclusiveLock(); // A tries to acquire X lock. But wouldn't it get blocked since B is already holding onto S lock? B is already blocked, so this has to be a deadlock