I am trying to "Get Latest Version" of a particular folder from TFS, using Powershell.
I have installed the TFS Snappin, and have been using TFS Power Tools cmdlets in PowerShell (such as Get-TfsChildItem and Select-TfsItem etc) [How do I set up TFS PowerShell Snapin ], and have gone through their documentation (which I didn't find explanatory enough!).
Confused, on the exact cmdlet to use, when I am trying to get the latest version of an entire Folder structure from TFS, that is mapped to my local drive (and not just a changeset or ChildItem).
Example : Tfs Path - $/APD-RepairSolutions/Main/Database
Mapped path - D:\TFS\APD-RepairSolutions/Main/Database.
I want a code, that would iteratively get the latest version of the entire folder Database,( that has number of tables,stored procedures etc.)
I am using ..
PS D:\Tfs\APD-RepairSolutions\Main\Database> $server=Get-TfsServer -Name http://tfs:8080/tfs
PS D:\Tfs\APD-RepairSolutions\Main\Database> Get-TfsChangeset -Recurse -Server $Server
Not helping my case - as it is only returning the latest changeset in the current directory.