
Does anyone have a simple way to force both a line and bar chart to use the same Y axis in an NVD3 chart? When starting with the following, they take Y1 and Y2.


If left to my own devices, I would suspect I should adapt linePlusBarChart.js, but it'll take some fumbling around as I learn the syntax / methods. Any shortcuts are welcome.

You could force both axes to have the same domain, but if you want just one you'll have to modify the source.Lars Kotthoff
Did you ever find a solution to this? I'm currently in the same boat. Thanks!tmthyjames
@LarsKotthoff, how would I force both axes to have same domain?tmthyjames
@tmthyjames You may be able to use .forceX(low,high) and forceY() depending on the type of chart.Lars Kotthoff

1 Answers


Looks like I was using the wrong model. A better starting point is this: http://www.labtsmith.com/nvd3/examples/multiChart.html