Forgive me if the title is not so accurate.
I have met some problem when I am doing something related to COM server and registry redirection and not quite sure is my understanding is correct or not. Hoping anyone could share some light on it. Thanks in advance.
Basically a COM server has been registered in the registry before anyone can use its service. On a 64bit Windows OS, there could be 2 possible views in the registry table, one is for default and the other for the WOW64 view. For example, first registry key is: COMPUTER\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID{GUID}\LocalServer32 and the other is: COMPUTER\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID{GUID}\LocalServer32. And depends on the process bitness (64bit vs. 32bit) that either one can be read by default, and also we can use KEY_WOW64_64KEY or KEY_WOW64_32KEY (as: to access the other alternative registry key.
What I need is that, I want to get the LocalServer32 executable file by reading the registry key and this can work. The problem is that, for the executable file path I read back, do I need to do the file path translation (in order to get the correct value) depending on which view I get the value from? For example, if the file path is got from COMPUTER\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID{GUID}\LocalServer32 and the file path is: C:\Windows\System32\abc.exe, do I need to translate the path to: C:\Windows\SysWow64\abc.exe? Or do I need to translate C:\Program Files\abc.exe to C:\Program Files(x86).exe?
Another question is that, if, for some registry key for COM, the values set in the two Views are different (for example, one has C:\Program Files\abc.exe and the other has C:\Program Files(x86)\abc.exe), then when the COM server is started, how could svchost.exe know which one to start, C:\Program Files\abc.exe or C:\Program Files(x86)\abc.exe? Does anyone know the logic for svchost.exe to determine this? Use the first one if it exists otherwise use the second one?
Thanks a lot.