
I was able to setup Swagger with Play and try Swagger-ui... and I must say it's really great.

Documenting the actions of my controller with ApiOperation, ApiImplicitPara, etc. was easy and it works as expected.

Nevertheless, due to my limited knowledge of Swagger, I've an issue when defining the schema for an implicit parameter of type body. The class I want to map to the implicit parameter looks like this:

@ApiModel(value "User", description = "Represents an user")
class User private(private var json: JsValue) {

  private def setValue(key: JsPath, value: JsValue) = {
    value match {
      case JsNull => json.transform(key.json.prune).map(t => json = t)
      case _ => json.transform((__.json.update(key.json.put(value)))).map(t => json = t)

  def asJson = json

  @ApiModelProperty(value = "User's id", dataType = "String", required = false)
  def id_= (v: Option[String]) = setValue((__ \ 'id), Json.toJson(v))
  def id = json as (__ \ 'id).readNullable[String]
  @ApiModelProperty(value = "User's email address", dataType = "String", required = true)
  def email = json as (__ \ 'email).read[String]
  def email_= (v: String) = setValue((__ \ 'email), Json.toJson(v))
  @ApiModelProperty(value = "User's firstName", dataType = "String", required = true)
  def firstName = json as (__ \ 'firstName).read[String]
  def firatName_= (v: String) = setValue((__ \ 'firstName), Json.toJson(v))

object User {

  def apply(
    id: Option[String],
    email: String,
    firstName: String,
  ): JsResult[User] = apply(Json.obj(
    "id" -> id,
    "email" -> email,
    "firstName" -> firstName,

The internal representation of my model classes is JSON... and then I just provide getters and setters that read/modify the internal JSON – this solution let me handle JSON very quickly and I can pass the object as-is to MongoDB.

The problem is that the model generated by Swagger for the class above is like this:

User {
  id(String): User's id,
  email(String): User's email,
  firstName(String): User's first name,

How do I prevent Swagger from putting json in the model?


1 Answers


Try this:

 @ApiModelProperty(required = false, hidden = true) 
 def asJson = json