
I want to run lm() on a large dataset with 50M+ observations with 2 predictors. The analysis is run on a remote server with only 10GB for storing the data. I have tested ´lm()´ on 10K observations sampled from the data and the resulting object had size 2GB+.

I need the object of class "lm" returned from lm() ONLY to produce the summary statistics of the model (summary(lm_object)) and to make predictions (predict(lm_object)).

I have done some experiment with the options model, x, y, qr of lm. If I set them all to FALSE I reduce the size by 38%

size1 <- object.size(fit1)
print(size1, units = "Kb")
# 127.4 Kb bytes
size2 <- object.size(fit2)
print(size2, units = "Kb")
# 78.5 Kb Kb bytes
- ((as.integer(size1) - as.integer(size2)) / as.integer(size1)) * 100
# -38.37994


# Error in qr.lm(object) : lm object does not have a proper 'qr' component.
#  Rank zero or should not have used lm(.., qr=FALSE).
# Error in qr.lm(object) : lm object does not have a proper 'qr' component.
#  Rank zero or should not have used lm(.., qr=FALSE).

Apparently I need to keep qr=TRUE which reduce the object size by only 9% if compared with the default object

size3 <- object.size(fit3)
print(size3, units = "Kb")
# 115.8 Kb
- ((as.integer(size1) - as.integer(size3)) / as.integer(size1)) * 100
# -9.142752

How do I bring the size of the "lm" object to a minimum without dumping a lot of unneeded information in memory and storage?

+1 Interesting question. You haven't tried toggling each of the options yourself yet? By the way, it's safer to write out TRUE and FALSE, as you may forget and make variables with those names later.Frank
I'm sure you find your answer stackoverflow.com/questions/15260429/… or in one of the questions linked theremnel
I don't see how lm using only 10000 observations can result in a 2GB object. How many columns are there in your dataset?Hong Ooi
@HongOoi I use two predictors in the model. I think the dataset including variables I don't model has 5 columnsCptNemo
There is no way a 10000x5 dataset can result in a 2GB object. I'd check to make sure you're not including big environments by accident. Are you calling lm from inside another function, which manipulates your big dataset?Hong Ooi

3 Answers


The link here provides a relevant answer (for glm object, which is very similar to lm output object).


Basically, predict only use the coefficient part which is very small portion of the glm output. the function below (copied from the link) trim information that will not be used by predict.

It does have a caveat though. After trimming, it can't be used by summary(fit) or other summary functions since those functions need more that what predict requires.

cleanModel1 = function(cm) {
  # just in case we forgot to set
  # y=FALSE and model=FALSE
  cm$y = c()
  cm$model = c()

  cm$residuals = c()
  cm$fitted.values = c()
  cm$effects = c()
  cm$qr$qr = c()
  cm$linear.predictors = c()
  cm$weights = c()
  cm$prior.weights = c()
  cm$data = c()

The answer of xappp is nice but not the whole story. There is also a huge environment variable you can do something about (see: https://blogs.oracle.com/R/entry/is_the_size_of_your)

Either add this to xappp's function

     e <- attr(cm$terms, ".Environment")
     parent.env(e) <- emptyenv()
     rm(list=ls(envir=e), envir=e)

Or use this version which reduces less data but allows you to still use summary()

      cleanModel1 = function(cm) {
      # just in case we forgot to set
      # y=FALSE and model=FALSE
      cm$y = c()
      cm$model = c()

      e <- attr(cm$terms, ".Environment")
      parent.env(e) <- emptyenv()
      rm(list=ls(envir=e), envir=e)

I'm trying to deal with same issue as well. What I use is not perfect for other things but works for predict, you can basically take out the qr slot of the qr slot in lm :

lmFull <- lm(Volume~Girth+Height,data=trees)
lmSlim <- lmFull
lmSlim$fitted.values <- lmSlim$qr$qr <- lmSlim$residuals <- lmSlim$model <- lmSlim$effects <- NULL
pred1 <- predict(lmFull,newdata=data.frame(Girth=c(1,2,3),Height=c(2,3,4)))
pred2 <- predict(lmSlim,newdata=data.frame(Girth=c(1,2,3),Height=c(2,3,4)))
[1] TRUE

as.numeric((object.size(lmFull) - object.size(lmSlim)) / object.size(lmFull))
[1] 0.6550523