
I have a container view which embeds a navigation controller (UINavigationController) with a root view that is a UITableViewController. One of the prototype cell has a push segue on selection to another UITableViewController. This is all via the storyboard in XCode 5. No actual code.

Unfortunately nothing happens when the cell is selected.

What am I missing?


Check if the push segue is actually from the cell, sometimes we actually control + drag from the UITableViewController.Roshan
YEs the segue shows as part of the triggered segues when I select the cell.user1732055
Actually something happens but it's minor. The navigation bar gets updated with the back button but the view for the controller that is pushed doesn't show.user1732055

2 Answers


I tried before with that structure and it should work well. Here is an example screenshot of the full storyboard:

enter image description here


Found the solution. In my controller showing that custom animated controller, I needed to use addChildViewController.