Simple answer
Curry: lets you call a function, splitting it in multiple calls, providing one argument per-call.
Partial: lets you call a function, splitting it in multiple calls, providing multiple arguments per-call.
Simple hints
Both allow you to call a function providing less arguments (or, better, providing them cumulatively). Actually both of them bind (at each call) a specific value to specific arguments of the function.
The real difference can be seen when the function has more than 2 arguments.
Simple e(c)(sample)
(in Javascript)
We want to run the following process
function on different subject
s (e.g. let's say our subjects are "subject1"
and "foobar"
function process(context, successCallback, errorCallback, subject) {...}
why always passing the arguments, like context and the callbacks, if they will be always the same?
Just bind some values for the the function:
processSubject = _.partial(process, my_context, my_success, my_error)
// assign fixed values to the first 3 arguments of the `process` function
and call it on subject1 and foobar, omitting the repetition of the first 3 arguments, with:
Comfy, isn't it? 😉
With currying you'd instead need to pass one argument per time
curriedProcess = _.curry(process); // make the function curry-able
processWithBoundedContext = curriedProcess(my_context);
processWithCallbacks = processWithBoundedContext(my_success)(my_error); // note: these are two sequential calls
result1 = processWithCallbacks('subject1');
// same as: process(my_context, my_success, my_error, 'subject1');
result2 = processWithCallbacks('foobar');
// same as: process(my_context, my_success, my_error, 'foobar');
I skipped all the academic/mathematical explanation. Cause I don't know it. Maybe it helped 🙃
As added by @basickarl, a further slight difference in use of the two functions (see Lodash for examples) is that:
returns a pre-cooked function that can be called once with the missing argument(s) and return the final result;
- while
is being called multiple times (one for each argument), returning a pre-cooked function each time; except in the case of calling with the last argument, that will return the actual result from the processing of all the arguments.
With ES6:
here's a quick example of how immediate Currying and Partial-application are in ECMAScript 6.
const curriedSum = math => eng => geo => math + eng + geo;
const partialSum = math => (eng, geo) => math + eng + geo;