
I am very new to Microsoft CRM , (working first time) and have requirement to call one custom webservice whenever new Account is created in Microsoft Dynamic CRM 2013.

Response returned from webservice needs to be stored as csv file in Files section of new account. Can anyone provide basic guideline how we can achieve this?

Did you already check out the code samples that come with the CRM SDK? Are you using the Developer Extensions that come with a Visual Studio template for Plugins?Filburt
I have know idea. I visited CRM SDK but didnt got any idea how this should work. Word "Plugin" used here was just for description. I need details if CRM really has plugin concept then how it Works. From requirement my understanding is there needs to be some option to create event listener (like onAccountCreation). That's just assumption. Can you give some higher level steps and direction ?Nirav
Write Plug-Ins to Extend Business Processes should give you a starting point for the basic concepts around CRM Plug-Ins. Make yourself familiar with the Plug-In Registration Tool that comes as part of the CRM SDK (in the "Bin" sub-dir) to be able to configure the events your Plug-In shall handle. Creating and deploying a Plug-In is far too broad to be answered here.Filburt

1 Answers


Here is a good link for getting started with writing a plug-in: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg328263.aspx (The link points to CRM 2011, but this is compatible with 2013 and is a good place to get started.)

You'll also want to download the SDK. Provided with the SDK are tools for deploying the plugin, examples of plugins and much, much more. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40321

The CSV file will also be stored as an annotation. Here's an example: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg328429.aspx

Really, I'd start with the SDK and then look to the specific links.